Representing Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax

The only way to stop gun nuts

The only way to stop this...

On Sunday, gun-toting goons terrorized Old Town 
for no reason but because under Republican rule, they legally can. 

is with this:

Last Sunday, a candidate for City Council in Hopewell, Virginia
(a town south of Richmond), and five of his assault-weapon toting buddies
pranced around Farmer's Market in Old Town 
exhibiting their military-style assault weapons
He did it, he said, to teach us a lesson.

His lesson was clear:

as long as Republicans maintain a majority in the Virginia House of Delegates,
this jerk and his sadistic buddies are free to march down our streets and terrorize us
by bringing weapons of war—used on an almost daily basis to commit mass murder—
into our churches, schools, playgrounds, streets, and workplaces,
triggering people with post-traumatic stress
and doing whatever they can to promote fear and panic.

In 15 seconds, these guys could have killed dozens of people.
They knew it.
They wanted us to feel afraid.

And who the &$#@! do they think they are? 

They know that as long as Virginia remains under Republican rule, 
we are powerless to stop them.

But that's where you come in.

The ONLY way to get these assault-weapon toting goons off our streets
and stop them from terrorizing us and our children
is to elect a Democratic majority in the Virginia House of Delegates.

Will you help us?

Gangs of armed goons patrolling our streets with military-style weapons to intimidate people 
and shut down business is EXACTLY what Virginia Republicans want 
for every school, church, park, grocery store, restaurant, and street in our Commonwealth. 

They want AK-47s and AR-15s in every playground and in every kindergarten.
They want an entire populace cowering and fearful of mass murder any second.
That's their vision.

We Democrats have a different vision. 
For two decades now, Democrats have proposed legislation
to allow localities to determine who can bring dangerous weapons of wars onto our streets
But we have been stymied by the Virginia's Republican majority.

Just two months ago, at our Special Session on gun regulation,
I copatroned legislation that would have allowed Alexandria and other localities to regulate jerks like these guys.
But Republicans refused to consider any gun regulation proposed by any legislator for any reason
and ended the session almost as quickly as it began.

The choice could not be more stark.

If you want armed goons patrolling our streets with weapons of war
and threatening our children, you should do nothing

But if you feel, as I do:

that weapons of war don't belong on our streets
in the hands of anyone outside of law enforcement

 then I ask you -- no, I beg you -- to please
contribute to our efforts to elect a Democratic majority in Virginia
and end this dangerous nonsense once and for all.

The decision is in your hands...

Every penny will be donated to the House Democratic Caucus.
I'm confident with a Democratic majority in the House, we will change these laws.

With 49 out of 100 seats, we are achingly close to a majority in the Virginia House.
And by the summer of 2020, we could rid our crowded public spaces of jerks like this guy.

Even as little as $25 can make a difference.
Please consider giving that amount, if only to let me know how much you oppose these jerks' behavior.
Of course, if you contribute $100, you'll help four times as much.


And if you are able to donate $100 (only $50 for those under the age of 35),
why not attend a lovely reception featuring Senator Mark Warner and me this Friday?


Let's show these gun-toting nuts
who disrupt our centuries-old Farmer's Market
just how unwelcome they are.

Vote Democratic on November 5, 2019

and help us obtain a progressive majority 
in the Virginia House of Delegates
for the first time in 400 years.

It's up to you.